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Section 1: Your journey to awesome photos starts here
Welcome (7:28)
What's in my kit bag (1:30)
How to navigate through this course
How to find support
Section 2: Some fundamentals
Introduction to this section
It's all about the light
Buttons, dials and basic settings (2:49)
Lenses – zoom, prime, fast and slow
How do I focus on a single point? (3:19)
Should I be photographing in RAW? (2:57)
What is white balance and why is it important?
Pay attention to your dashboard
Playback and learn! (4:31)
Section 3: Composition
Intro to composition
Rule of thirds
Using leading lines
Change your point of view
Enhancing your photos using negative spaces
Clutter and busy backgrounds
Don't be afraid to crop
Tell a story
Composition video (30:12)
Section 4: Shutter speed
Introducing the exposure triangle
What is shutter speed?
Using the Tv setting, how do I change the shutter speed?
What is the perfect shutter speed?
Shutter speed info guide
What is camera shake and how do I reduce it?
The 30 second exercise
Video showing various shutter speed examples (25:49)
Behind the scene of iconic photo of Rio Olympics
Section 5: ISO
How is ISO related to the sensor? (3:26)
What exactly is ISO?
How do you change ISO on your camera?
FAQ – ISO in action
ISO recap
Section 6: Aperture
What is aperture?
Changing aperture using the Av mode
F-numbers and depth-of-field
Aperture info guide
Besides aperture what else affects DoF?
Can I change exposure while using the Av setting?
What is bokeh?
Screen video of photos at different aperture settings (35:20)
Section 7: M is for Manual
Setting aperture and shutter speed using M mode
Exposure – it's about balance
Properly exposing your photographs
Onwards and upwards
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